[Dec 02, 2022] Pythagoras Arbitrage Fund won the 2022 HFM Asian Performance Award for the "Best
Digital Asset Fund"
Mentions in the Press:
- [Jan 25, 2023] [ ] How a Crypto Quant Firm Shook Off the Bear Market and FTX Exposure
- [Dec 05, 2022] [ ] How Two Crypto Hedge Funds Avoided the Market Crash
- [Dec 05, 2022] [ Bloomberg ] How Two Crypto Hedge Funds Dodged the Market Collapse Full Text
- [Dec 04, 2022] [ (世界新闻网) ] Article in Chinese: 加密幣慘遭血洗 華裔企業家曾良恩如何創下8%回報?
[Feb 05, 2021] [ Financial Times China ] "Wall Street WSB Meets Crypto"
(Article in Chinese: 华尔街WSB遇上加密领域,魔幻事件如何解读?) - [Nov 30, 2018] [ Opalesque ] As crypto tumbles, Pythagoras Investment Management finds arbitrage opportunities.
TV Appearances:
- [Jan 28, 2021] [ CCTV ] Mitchell Dong interview on Chinese national television. Soundbite video/transcript here.
Crypto industry in-depth interviews:
[Jan 10, 2021] Joshua Frank interview of Mitchell Dong for The Tie podcast series.
YouTube Video | Spotify Podcast | Apple Podcast | Web. - [Oct. 2020] Nathaniel E. Baker interview of Mitchell Dong for Sudrania Fund Services' interview series. View the interview video here.